Learning in Y1C
They enjoyed the much anticipated Y1 Movie Night and loved the snacks on offer even more! A lot of learning has taken place over the week. In English, the children continued to read our core text, 'There's a Rang-Tan in My Bedroom'. They learnt all about adjectives and used them to describe what they could see in the rainforest and the girls' bedroom, which had been messed up by the cheeky Orangutan. In Maths, children continue to consolidate their number of facts and Mathematical knowledge by learning and embedding number bonds to 10. The children used numicons, ten frames and counters to represent the number of bonds to 10, and we would love it if you could continue to support your children in this particular area of their learning. In Science, they observed animal diets. They had a look at the animals with a herbivore, carnivore and omnivore diet, and what these diets consisted of. The children then grouped these foods and animals and used their observation and prediction skills to complete the task. They have an exciting 4-legged visitor next week... I am sure you will hear all about it!