Eco-Schools Silver Award
Kensington Primary School achieves Eco-Schools Silver Award
Kensington Primary School is very proud to announce we have just gained the Silver Award from Eco-Schools. Eco-Schools is an international environmental education programme (run by F.E.E. – Foundation for Environmental Education) operating in over 50 countries worldwide, offering a way for schools to take environmental issues from the curriculum and apply them to the day-to-day running of the school.
Since beginning our quest to embark on the Eco-Schools programme in April 2016, the Eco-Warriors have undertaken a number of key initiatives aiming to make environmental awareness and action an intrinsic part of the life and ethos of our school. The Eco-Warriors and members of staff meet on a regular basis to address these sustainability issues. So far, this is what we have tackled:
- Energy- Switch off energy week, No electricity day, energy lessons taught throughout the school.
- School grounds- Wild flower planting, growing fruit and vegetables with children so that they can see how seeds grow into produce.
- Healthy living- National walk to school day, growing fruit and vegetables.
- Transport -walk to school day competitions, bike training lessons. Bronze awarded from TFL STARS.
- Waste- paper recycling bins in every class, regular litter campaigns-Great British spring clean, Clothes collection days on a termly basis which raises money for the school.
- Litter- Great British spring clean campaigns, regular litter picking rota.
The children have all worked really hard and we congratulate them all on their commitment to improving the environment in which we all live. The next big award they are aiming to achieve is the Eco-School’s Green Flag… watch this space!