Why Technology?
The Computer Science curriculum has changed in recent years, with an increased focus on the science of computing — on helping our children have a good understanding of how computers work in this highly digital age. Whether a child grows up to be a programmer or not (and in any case, career choices are a long way off for an eight-year old!), the skills within computing are useful because many of them centre around problem-solving which can be applied in many other contexts. Technology clearly plays an important role in our daily lives and therefore it is essential that we provide opportunities for children to explore, take risks, become critical thinkers and problem-solvers so that they can apply it in other contexts, including our ever-changing world. Central to our curriculum and our lives, the latest technologies will inspire and enthuse our children.
What do children learn?
Please refer to the ‘Technology Overview’ document.
What is the Technology Curriculum?
Through the delivery of technology lessons children will enthusiastically engage with a variety of technology, become computer literate and develop their computational thinking. The Technology Curriculum is delivered through three core strands: coding, the internet and multimedia. Through the delivery of these three areas all children have the opportunity to engage with a variety of different technologies developing their confidence and excitement to explore new technologies as they manifest.
Coding is an important skill for future employment. Globally, multiple businesses continue to integrate forever-evolving technology into their operations and a basic understanding of computing programming is essential for their employees.
To prepare our children for the coding expectations of secondary school, a clear progression of coding skills and knowledge is taught across the school. Each year group has an expectation to meet their end points within a set number of weekly lessons. These lessons are discrete and a cross-curricular context is applied when possible.
The Internet
The growth of the internet has led to its integration into everyday life. From building social connections, gathering information and entertainment it has become an invaluable tool, which is a central part of most children’s lives.
A clear progression of internet-based skills and knowledge is taught across the school allowing children to safely access the wealth of information the internet has to offer. These lessons are clearly defined, discrete lessons focused on technology taught within curriculum topics to create meaningful and engaging contexts.
Please refer to the ‘Internet framework’ document.
Throughout their Kensington career, children have plentiful opportunities to engage in a variety of multimedia software and technology. All children are expected to learn a series of key knowledge to allow them to confidently access this variety of technology and apply their skills in cross-curricular contexts. Flexibility of the multimedia technology units, allows teachers to choose multimedia projects that will enhance other curriculum areas, whilst delivering the clearly defined technology skills and knowledge. Regular computing assessments ensure that all technologies have been accessed by the end of the children’s primary careers.
Please refer to the ‘Multimedia framework’ document.