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Kensington Primary School

Kensington Primary School


We currently have spaces available in some of our year groups.

If you require a school place for your child please refer to the  application guidelines below or contact us at

At Kensington Primary School we recognise that choosing the right school for your child is extremely important and that each school has its individual characteristics.

For parents who are considering places for September 2025 in Nursery or Reception, please get in touch at: We are holding Open Days on 13th November, 26th November (pm only) and 14th January 2025.   We would be delighted for you to see the school and speak to us about what your child and yourselves can expect from a Kensington experience. Please come along at either 10:30am or 1:30pm on one of the dates above.


The Trust Board of The Tapscott Learning Trust has formally agreed to adopt the London Borough of Newham’s Admission Arrangements for September 2025 entry. LB Newham Determined School Admission Arrangements for September 2025

All admissions for this school (excluding Nursery) are organised centrally via the London Borough of Newham which is the Admission Authority. Application forms are available online or through contacting the council on 020 8430 2000. 

Nursery and Reception admissions in September accept children born between 1st September and 31st August. Admissions forms and school information packs can be obtained from the school office.

Pupils are admitted to the school in line with the London Borough of Newham Admissions Policy.

We have included a number of links below to help you apply for a school place for your child.

The Local Authority’s Determined Arrangements have been adopted by the governing body of this academy/multi academy trust.   

Determined Admission Arrangements - September 2025

The law requires that all schools must have admission arrangements that clearly set out how children will be admitted, including the criteria that will be applied if there are more applications than places at the school. Admission arrangements are determined by admission authorities.

All admission authorities must determine (i.e. formally agree) admission arrangements annually, even if they have not changed from previous years and a consultation has not been required. Admission authorities must determine admission arrangements for entry in September 2025, by 28 February 2024.  London Borough of Newham is the admission authority for our school and we have formally agreed to adopt the LB Newham’s admission arrangements for September 2024.   

Please click here to see Determination of School Admission Arrangements for entry from September 2025.

Please click here to see Determined School Admission Arrangements for entry from September 2025.

The London Borough of Newham is the Admission Authority for this school who organise all admissions centrally. Application forms are available online or through contacting the council 020 8430 2000. 

Fair Access

The law requires that each local authority must have a Fair Access Protocol (FAP), agreed with the majority of schools in its area to ensure that for In Year admissions unplaced children, especially the most vulnerable, are offered a place at a suitable school as quickly as possible. In agreeing a protocol, the local authority must ensure that no school - including those with available places - is asked to take a disproportionate number of children who have been excluded from other schools, or who have challenging behaviour.  Kensington has signed up to the LB Newham’s Fair Access Protocol.

Admission for entry from September 2024 - In-year (Mid-phase) admission

If your family arrives in Newham during the school year 2024/2025 and your child needs a school place in the borough, you must complete an online In Year admission application form, and you are usually given a place within 10 days. 

The place offered may not be at the school you prefer as that school may not have a suitable place available.

In Year Admissions for September 2024 to August 2025 (Year Groups Reception to Year 6):

  • LB Newham In Year School Admissions web pages click here
  • In Year school application form (all year groups) for September 2024 to August 2025 click here
  • Determined Admission Arrangements for September 2024 onwards entry click here

Primary (Reception) admission for entry from September 2025

If your child was born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021, you will need to apply for a reception class place in an infant or primary school for September 2025. 

If your child lives in Newham you will need to apply via London Borough of Newham. However, if your child lives outside Newham, but you want him or her to go to school in Newham, you will need to apply through the local authority in the borough you live in.

Remember, you must always apply for a place, even if your child:

  • Already attends the nursery of your preferred school OR
  • They have a brother or sister who attends the school

The national closing date for on-time reception applications is 15th January 2025

Applications that are received after this date are late. These late applications are processed after applications that are on time. Late applicants are less likely to get a place at the school they prefer

National offer date for on-time reception applicants is 16th April 2025

Places available in our Nursery for September 2025

If your child was born between 1st September 2021 to 31st August 2022 and you would like them to attend our outstanding Nursery, please fill in an online application form NURSERY APPLICATION FORM and submit it by the 1st March 2025.  You can also request a Nursery Application Form to be emailed to you by sending the school an email to

Once you have submitted the application, we will contact you via email to request any further documentation we require to support your application (child's full birth certificate, passport (if they have one), two proofs of your home address (tenancy agreement, council tax, gas/electricity bill, bank statement), parent's passports and any documentation you have, if your child has ever been seen by LCIS, West Ham Lane or Child Development Team).

We also offer a limited number of 30-hour places for eligible families. These will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. If you require and are eligible for a 30-hour place, you must provide your 30-hour code with your application form.

To find out more about childcare options available, please visit Newham’s Family Information Service website: Free early education for three and four year olds

Our Nursery provides excellent resources that will enable your child to develop in all areas of learning and prepare them for main school.

Useful links for all school admissions

If you have any further queries or questions relating to admissions, please contact the school and our Admissions Officer will be happy to help you.

  • Tapscott Learning Trust
  • Ofsted
  • Mental Health GOLD
  • EAL GOLD Quality Mark
  • IQM Flagship School
  • RE Quality Mark Gold
  • Professional Development QM
  • Newham Changemaker
  • Music Mark
  • Primary Geography Quality Mark
  • Primary Science Quality Mark
  • Autism Education Trust
  • Teach Active Ambassador
  • School Games
  • Healthy Schools
  • Artsmark Silver Award
  • Eco-Schools
  • Stonewall Education Champion
  • TES2020 Wellbeing winner
  • Pearson Gold Winner - Primary of the Year
  • Pearson Silver Award - Excellence in SEN